Lodge of Warwick History
In 1963, thirty members of Greville Lodge No.4773 proposed to form a new Lodge “Lodge of Warwick ” The proposed Master and Wardens designate were :
W.Bro. Garnet Hartley Worshipful Master
W.Bro. George Jewell Senior Warden
W.Bro. Ian McMerdow Junior Warden
Following an application to Province, Grand Lodge granted a Warrant and preparations were made for the Consecration Ceremony.
By kind permission of the Earl of Warwick, this was held at 4 pm, on 10th March 1965, in the Great Hall of Warwick Castle with many distinguished Brethren in attendance.
The Provincial Grand Master, The Right Worshipful The Reverend Michael Clarke MA consecrated, dedicated and constituted Lodge of Warwick, Number 8011 according to established custom. 117 Brethren returned the short distance to Alderson House for a celebratory seven course Banquet at a cost of 30 shillings per head.
The Lodge Banner features the Coat of Arms of the town of Warwick. The design has been in use by the Borough of Warwick with only slight variations since 1545 during the reign of King Henry VIII.
The Borough shield depicts a walled town. A gated tower representing Warwick Castle s flanked by two towers :Warwick`s East and West gates which still stand today.
Each gate is manned with a watchman winding a horn. Between these two towers rise the two spires of St. Mary`s and St Nicholas Churches.
A six pointed star and a crescent moon appear on either side of the outer towers.
Above the shield is a helmet with flowing Rambrequin. Set upon the helmet is the black bear supporting a ragged staff.
This ancient and famous device has been associated with Warwickshire for centuries and has been the badge of the Earls of Warwick since 1268.
The Latin motto “ Antiquum Obtinens “ is translated as “ Possessing antiquity “ or “ Holding fast to tradition “
The embroidered Lodge Banner itself depicts this coat of arms along with the Lodge name. This superb work was hand made by Mrs Taylor and presented to the Lodge by W. Bro. Jack Taylor.
Each founder made a contribution to equipping the Lodge.
Three Gavels were designed and made from an oak beam rescued from an old Georgian house – this beam was estimated to be about 600 years old and represented the antiquity of Freemasonry.
The Gavels also contain gold, silver and bronze and are used by the master, and senior and junior warden respectively.
The names of the Consecrating Officers and the first Worshipful Master, W.Bro. Garnet Hartley are engraved on the master’s gavel.
The founders of the Lodge of Warwick are listed below.
G. Hartley
J. Simms
H. T. Barker
G. E. Petts
E. D. O. Campbell
H. C. Deacon
T. R. Davies
C. W. J. Ash
A. V. Freakley
G. Jackson
R. B. Dyson
W. R. Plummer
J. Mcmurdo
C.G. Curry G. Jewell
F. K. Chorley
F. C. Hunt
G. W. S. Griffiths
J. E. Smith
F. J. Way
J. Dobson
N. H. Stockwell
A. Adderley
D. H. Bradshaw